Friday 3 December 2010

The Reason I Have To Charge £1 Entry

I never wanted to have to do this. I had hoped to keep this as a free night, but that just isn’t possible anymore. I’m not happy about taking your money on the door, but I can promise you nights that are definitely worth parting with your cash for.

For those of you unfamiliar with Lickity Split Presents, the night combines Sheffield’s finest live, unsigned music with a selection of boutique stalls from independent fashion designers. The reason I created this night was purely for my love of fashion and live music, and I also wanted to bring something a bit different to the Sheffield music scene. 

I really want to give musicians and independent designers as much exposure as possible and have a good time in the process. I’m not interested in making any kind of profit from the talent of others, but I can’t afford to be out of pocket after every event. I have been holding this event for free for over a year but I can’t keep it running on empty for ever.

The problem I’m faced with is the promotional costs of running an event. Flyers and posters cost money. I need the flyers to raise awareness about the events and, unless I charge on the door, I have no way of making that money back. If I don’t charge then I can’t afford the promotion, which severely limits the amount of exposure which musicians, designers, and the night itself receives.

I have considered and tried alternatives, but charging on the door is the only realistic option I have left. I have tried suggesting voluntary donations on the door, which hasn’t been particularly successful, and I have also thought about charging designers to hold a stall. However, as far as I’m concerned, charging designers would be as bad as a pay-to-play system for bands so that option was ruled out too.

I hope that you lovely people, who have been loyal followers of the Lickity Split Presents events over this last year, understand why I have had to do this and will continue to attend and support the nights.

The upcoming event on the 9th December 2010 will be the final free event. From the 17th February 2011, all events will be £1 entry on the door.

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